Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Wal-Mart Documentary

Ryanne Hodson sent me an email about a local showing of the Wal-Mart documentary that was taking place in one of my neighbors home. I had just heard about the documentary on a vlog and so my wife and I had wanted to see it. Ryanne is in NYC, but she connected me to a network of great people here in my own small town. How cool is that. Thanks Ryanne and thanks Kris! Kris is a chiropractor and he and his wife kindly hosted the screening for about 30 people. We got into a great conversation about the film, the local community and the role of a local establishment and community focal point: The Farmer and the Cook. They even have their own Yahoo group (like videobloggers)!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Surprise Visit

Eric Rice stopped by the Digital Dojo today. What a great surprise.